These plants were voted by members as the most popular at club meetings in 2014.
More recent popular plants.


November: Barry Baxter's Ryc. Orchidglade 'Grant'

October: Leroy Orchids's Den. Micro Chip

September: Leroy Orchids's C. Itsa Blue 'Blue Moon'

syn: Lc. Itsa Blue 'Blue Moon'

August: Leroy Orchids's Epidendrum Rene Marques 'Flame Thrower'

July: Ken Morse's Paphiopedilum Pavatree

June: Barry Baxter's Mps. Lawless Falls

May: Shirley Sidnam's Ren. King Crimson

April: William & Man Lo's Den. glomeratum

March: Barry Baxter's Onc. Ruth's Rainbow

February: Shirley Sidnam's Pyp. papillio 'Yellow Butterfly'

February: William & Man Lo's Den. Paradise Lorna × glomeratum

February: Leroy Orchids's Den. White Grace


List of genera

Abbreviation Genus  
C. Cattleya Natural
Den. Dendrobium Natural
Mps. Miltoniopsis Natural
Onc. Oncidium Natural
Pyp. Psychopsis Natural
Ren. Renanthera Natural
Ryc. Rhyncatlaelia Cattleya × Laelia × Rhyncholaelia