These plants were voted by members as the most popular at club meetings in 2011.
More recent popular plants.


December: William & Man Lo's Angraecum germinyanum

November: Leroy Orchids's Den. thrysiflorum

October: Leroy Orchids's Rth. Dan O'Neil

syn: Blc. Dan O'Neil

September: William & Man Lo's Den. infundibulum

August: Leroy Orchids's Odcdm. Volcano Hula Halau 'Volcano Queen'

July: William & Man Lo's Paph. Krishna

June: Frances Henrich & Roslyn MacKay's Angcm. eburneum

May: Beryl Calder's C. Pole-Star 'April Jewel'

( C. coccinea × briegeri )
syn: Sl. Pole-Star 'April Jewel'

April: Grahame Leafberg's Neost. Lou Sneary

April: Grahame Leafberg's Neost. Lou Sneary

March: Beryl Calder's C. Slim Warner

February: Beryl Calder's V. Joseph Fulowitz


List of genera

Abbreviation Genus  
Angcm. Angraecum Natural
C. Cattleya Natural
Den. Dendrobium Natural
Neost. Neostylis Neofinetia × Rhyncostylis
Odcdm. Odontocidium Odontoglossum × Oncidium
Paph. Paphiopedilum Natural
Rth. Rhyncattleanthe Cattleya × Rhyncholaelia × Guarianthe
V. Vanda Natural