These plants were voted by members as the most popular at club meetings in 2008.
More recent popular plants.


November: Bert & Evelyn Ong's Ascda. Mem. Kay Kilington

November: Grahame Leafberg's Den. fimbriatum var.occulatum

November: Kirsten Henty's Sarco. Sunspot

October: Ken Morse's Oda. Trixmahnee

October: Bert & Evelyn Ong's Coel. mossiae

September: William and Man Lo's Coel. cristata

August: Ron Reeves's Phaius tankervilliae

July: Ken Morse's Z. Unknown 'M10'

(Plant with unknown name bought from Mitre 10)

July: William & Man Lo's Den. Aussie's Chance

( Den. engae × biggibum )

June: Bert & Evelyn Ong's Phrag. Rosy Gem

May: Leroy Orchids's C. Lana Coryell × (Neon 'Light' × Arun)

syn: Sc. Lana Coryell × Lc. (Neon 'Light' × Arun)

May: Ron Reeves's Cal. vestita

May: Bert & Evelyn Ong's C. Susie's Valentine

syn: Slc. Susie's Valentine

April: Ken Morse's Z. Arthur Elle × Ben Wighton

March: Beryl Calder's C. Jewel Chest 'Ruby'

syn: Slc. Jewel Chest 'Ruby'

February: Ross Crabb's Neof. falcata

It was awarded a CCC by judges present at the meeting.


List of genera

Abbreviation Genus  
Ascda. Ascocenda Ascocentrum × Vanda
C. Cattleya Natural
Cal. Calanthe Natural
Coel. Coelogyne Natural
Den. Dendrobium Natural
Lc. Laeliocattleya Cattleya × Laelia
Neof. Neofinetia Natural
Oda. Odontioda Cochlioda × Odontoglossum
Phaius. Phaius Natural
Phrag. Phragmepedium Natural
Sarco. Sarchochilus Natural
Sc. Sophrocattleya Cattleya × Sophronitis - Synonym
Z. Zygopetalum Natural