These plants were voted by members as the most popular at club meetings in 2005.
More recent popular plants.


December: Grahame Leafberg's V.

November: Honey Denyer's Den. infundibulum

November: Honey Denyer's Den. infundibulum

October: Honey Denyer's Pln. formosa

September: Mary Jones's Epi. pseudoepidendrum × C. harrisoniana

Epc. (Epicat)

August: Heather Cooke's Cym. Gentle Touch 'Bon Bon'

August: Honey Denyer's Den. Gillieston Wow 'Eva'

July: Irene Levatt's L. anceps

July: Mary Jones's Cyc. warscewiczii

June: Ken Morse's Paph. Houghtoniae

Judges present at the meeting awarded it an HCC.

May: Bernadette's Lyc. skinneri 'Auburn' × Henty 'Nikana'

April: Grahame Leafberg's Milt. Moirmoir

April: Grahame Leafberg's Milt. Moirmoir

April: Ken Morse's Wils. Jean Du Pont

April: Ken Morse's Wils. Jean Du Pont

March: Bev Meredith's Rlc. Toshie Aoki 'Robin'

syn: Blc. Toshie Aoki 'Robin'

February: Grahame Leafberg's Zyt. pustulata


List of genera

Abbreviation Genus  
C. Cattleya Natural
Cyc. Cycnoches Natural
Cym. Cymbidium Natural
Den. Dendrobium Natural
Epc. Epicattleya Cattleya × Epidendrum
Epi. Epidendrum Natural
L. Laelia Natural
Lyc. Lycaste Natural
Milt. Miltonia Natural
Paph. Paphiopedilum Natural
Pln. Pleione Natural
Rlc. Rhyncholaeliocattleya Cattleya × Rhyncholaelia
V. Vanda Natural
Wils. Wilsonara Cochlioda × Odontoglossum × Oncidium
Zyt. Zygostates Natural