Pictures from the show

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Den. aurantiroseum

Grand champion of the show

Den. Waianae Bountiful × flammula

Den. Waianae Bountiful × flammula

Lyc. Jackpot

L. anceps

At the Bason Botanical Gradens

Phrag. Hanne Popow

Phrag. Mem. Dick Clements

Paph. Beeches Dark Gem 'Tudor'

Paph. Beeches Dark Gem 'Tudor' × Blackberry Delight

Two siblings out of the same grex!

Paph. Beeches Dark Gem 'Tudor' × Blackberry Delight

Two siblings out of the same grex!

Phal. gigantea

Yellow form

Phal. Bedford Lawrence 'Budding'

Phal. pulcherrima 'Caerulea'

syn: Dor. pulcherrima var. caerulea

Phal. pulcherrima 'Caerulea'

syn: Dor. pulcherrima var. caerulea

Gchls. japonicus

Masd. angulata

Masd. coccinea 'Red Glow'

Masd. wurdackii

Bark. Erika

(Bark. lindleyana × skinneri)

Bark. Erika

(Bark. lindleyana × skinneri)

Wils. (Odcdm. Tigersun × Oda. Halyo)

Rst. Stamfordiense

syn: Odm. Stamfordiense

Ame. monticola

Cym. dayanum

Aslla. anzanica

List of genera

Abbreviation Genus  
Ame. Amesiella Natural
Aslla. Ansellia Natural
Bark. Barkeria Natural
Cym. Cymbidium Natural
Den. Dendrobium Natural
Dor. Doritis Natural - Synonym
Gchls. Gastrochilus Natural
L. Laelia Natural
Lyc. Lycaste Natural
Masd. Masdevalia Natural
Odm. Odontoglossum Natural
Paph. Paphiopedilum Natural
Phal. Phalaenopsis Natural
Phrag. Phragmepedium Natural
Rst. Rhynchostele Natural
Wils. Wilsonara Cochlioda × Odontoglossum × Oncidium