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The show

Enth. sanderiana

Enth. sanderiana

V. Rung Roeng × Rnthps. Dana 'Rome Sanchos'

V. Rung Roeng × Rnthps. Dana 'Rome Sanchos'

Ascda. Summer Delight

Milt. Moirmoir 'Golden Wonder'

Pyp. papilio

C. Issy

syn: Lc. Issy

Epi. catillus

List of genera

Abbreviation Genus  
Ascda. Ascocenda Ascocentrum × Vanda
C. Cattleya Natural
Enth. Euanthe Natural
Epi. Epidendrum Natural
Lc. Laeliocattleya Cattleya × Laelia
Milt. Miltonia Natural
Moir. Moirara Phalaenopsis × Renanthera × Vanda
Pyp. Psychopsis Natural