Pictures from the show

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Paph. Debbie Robinson

Paph. primulinum var.purpurascens

Paph. Voodoo Wonder

Paph. Voodoo Wonder

Angcm. sesquipedale

Cym. Irish Wine 'Yeah Right'

Cym. Good as Gold

Cym. Ruby Turner

Cym. Orange Sunrise

Coel. Unchained Melody

Cym. Kiwi Paradise 'Seamist'

Cym. Mem. Jack Matsumoto

Cym. Vogel's Magic × Denise Porter

Cym. Kyden's Flame

Cym. Kiwi Ice

Masd. Curly George

Masd. Tuakau Candy

Cym. Leroys Hazel

C. Hawaiian Splash 'Lea'

Led. Kiwi Treasure

Phal. Chian Xen Angel

Phal. Chian Xen Roseherz

Rth. Lee's Ruby 'Roy's Port'

Rlc. Love Call 'Nora'

Den. Jodi Louise

Den. Brimbank Fire

Den. Schroder's Delight × colvolgin

Den. teretifolium

Den. Emma Christina

Den. Maiden's Blush

Ddc. tenellum

Med. decoratum

Lyc. Muras Kino

Mxc. ghiesbreghtiana

Npp. Adelaide Jester

V. Sumon Gold × Kultana Gems

V. Petite Bouquet


List of genera

Abbreviation Genus  
Angcm. Angraecum Natural
C. Cattleya Natural
Coel. Coelogyne Natural
Cym. Cymbidium Natural
Ddc. Dendrochilum Natural
Den. Dendrobium Natural
Led. Ledienara Cattleya × Caularthron × Guarianthe × Laelia
Lyc. Lycaste Natural
Masd. Masdevalia Natural
Med. Mediocalcar Natural
Mxc. Mexicoa Natural
Npp. Neopabstopetalum Neogardneria × Pabstia × Zygopetalum
Paph. Paphiopedilum Natural
Phal. Phalaenopsis Natural
Rlc. Rhyncholaeliocattleya Cattleya × Rhyncholaelia
Rth. Rhyncattleanthe Cattleya × Rhyncholaelia × Guarianthe
V. Vanda Natural