Pictures from the show

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Phal. Zuma's Pixie

Cym. Leroys Envy

Reserve Champion

Ots. Anna-Claire

syn: Odm. Anna-Claire

C. Lana Coryell

syn: Sc. Lana Coryell

Cym. Little Kiwi

First Cymbidium bred and registered in NZ.

Cym. Hot Port 'Smokey'

Den. chrysopterum

Paph. Bendigo Silver 'Invista'

Paph. Bendigo Silver 'Invista'

Can you spot the man?

Den. speciosum

Cym. John Wooden 'Stephanie'

Leroy Orchids' display

South Auckland Orchid Society's display

Roy's Potting Demonstration

Phaleonopsis for sale at Brian J. Main Orchids' stand


List of genera

Abbreviation Genus  
C. Cattleya Natural
Cym. Cymbidium Natural
Den. Dendrobium Natural
Odm. Odontoglossum Natural
Ots. Odontostele Odontoglossum × Rhynchostele
Paph. Paphiopedilum Natural
Phal. Phalaenopsis Natural
Sc. Sophrocattleya Cattleya × Sophronitis - Synonym