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Brs. verucossa var. gigantea

Best Specimen and Baskets & Grand Champion

Vnra. Golden Spice

Rth. Hsinying Fancy Gold

syn: Pot. Hsinying Fancy Gold

Rth. Nobile's Ambar

syn: Blc. Nobile's Ambar

C. Elusive Dream

syn: Slc. Elusive Dream

Orpha. radicans

Onc. Gold Bar Mountain

Onc. Volcano Hula Halau 'Volcano Queen'

Best Oncidium Alliance

Onc. Wildcat

C. Mini Purple × Rlc. Eximia 'Lee's Joy'

syn: Lc. Mini Purple × Blc. Eximia 'Lee's Joy'
Best Cattleya Alliance

Hya. meleagris

Best any Other Genera

Onc. Daydream

V. Rothschildiana 'Blue Ribbon'

V. Evening Tide

V. Joseph Fulowitz 'Rebecca'

Masd. Kimballiana 'Yellow Doll'

Phal. Sogo Gotris

Phal. Golden Peoker × Brother Amar

Best Phalaenopsis

Phal. Lioulin Orange '5206'

Phal. luddemanniana 'Purpureum'

Masd. impostor

Best Masdevallia

Prom. crawshayana

Paph. Utgard

Best Paphiopedilum Alliance

Paph. hirsutissimum var.esquirolei

Paph. kolopakingii 'Monique'

Pol. fallax × virginea

Den. bracteosum 'Pale Face'

Den. tapinense

Best Dendrobium

Den. Highland Rose 'Sophia'

Den. Aussie's Chance

Cym. Zig Zag 'Kiwi'


List of genera

Abbreviation Genus  
Blc. Brassolaeliocattleya Brassavola × Laelia × Cattleya
Brs. Brassia Natural
C. Cattleya Natural
Cym. Cymbidium Natural
Den. Dendrobium Natural
Hya. Huntleya Natural
Lc. Laeliocattleya Cattleya × Laelia
Masd. Masdevalia Natural
Onc. Oncidium Natural
Orpha. Ornithophora Natural
Paph. Paphiopedilum Natural
Phal. Phalaenopsis Natural
Pol. Polystachya Natural
Pot. Potinara Brassavola × Cattleya × Laelia × Sophronitis - Synonym
Prom. Promenaea Natural
Rlc. Rhyncholaeliocattleya Cattleya × Rhyncholaelia
Rth. Rhyncattleanthe Cattleya × Rhyncholaelia × Guarianthe
Slc. Sophrolaeliocattleya Cattleya × Laelia × Sophronitis - Synonym
V. Vanda Natural
Vnra. Vaughnara Brassavola × Cattleya × Epidendrum